Media Arts/Communication Technology
Art I
GRADE: 9-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03500100 PREREQUISITE(S): none Course Description: This class focuses on the foundations of art with emphasis on the elements of art and principles of design. Students will use creative visual problem solving as they apply personal experiences and observations to their knowledge of composition. Students will create original art in a variety of media, study art history, and participate in the critique process. $10 studio fee per semester for consumable supplies taken home by the student.
Art II: Drawing I
GRADE: 10-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03500500 85 PREREQUISITE(S): Art I credit Course Description: Students solve visual problems through planning and executing drawings for a personal portfolio by exploring technical basics in drawing media like colored pencil, pencil studies, and mixed media. Visual literacy, originality, observational drawing, and more are emphasized. Critique of student/master art works is required.
Art II: Painting I
GRADE: 10-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03500600 PREREQUISITE(S): Art I credit Course Description: Students solve visual problems through planning and executing paintings for a portfolio. They apply elements of art and principles of design in their works, and critique student/master art works. Emphasis is placed on experiencing color through watercolor, tempera and acrylic. A range of subject matter and ideas are explored.
Art III: Drawing II
GRADE: 11-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03501300 PREREQUISITE(S): Art I and successful completion of Drawing I Course Description: Students execute original drawings for their portfolio, refining technical skills and continuing to experience the critique process while producing visually rich personal work.
Art III: Painting II
GRADE: 11-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03501400 PREREQUISITE(S): Art I and successful completion of Painting I Course Description: Students experience the critique process while producing visually rich work in an increasingly independent based studio environment, with emphasis on artistic voice, anatomy/figure painting and composition/design.