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GRADE LEVEL: 9-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03100500 PREREQUISITE(S): none Course Description: Algebra I introduces the basic language and properties of algebra; studies solutions and applications of linear equations and inequalities; develops operations with exponents and polynomials; introduces factorization of polynomials; solves quadratic equations; studies functions, relations and their graphs, simplifying radicals, and operations with radicals.


LEVEL: 9-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03100700 PREREQUISITE(S): Algebra I Course Description: Geometry is an introduction and basics of plane, solid, and coordinate geometry. It stresses geometric knowledge of physical space 60 deductive and inductive reasoning, and the integration of geometry and algebra.


GRADE LEVEL: 9-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03100600 PREREQUISITE(S): (Preferred) Algebra I & Geometry or co-enrollment in Geometry Course Description: Designed to prepare students for higher level math through the study of equations, inequalities, and functions. Both algebraic and graphic methods are used in problem solving. Topics include linear equations and inequalities, matrices, quadratic functions and relations, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational expressions and functions, conic sections and statistical modeling of real word data.


GRADE LEVEL: 9-11 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03102400 PREREQUISITE(S): Course only available based on counselor recommendation and test scores. Must be taken PRIOR to Algebra II in order to fulfill the third math graduation credit. Course Description: Designed for students in need of a stronger math foundation, prior to enrollment in Algebra II. This course focuses on statistics, algebra, geometry, and math of finance with emphasis on using technology to solve applied problems.


GRADE LEVEL: 12 CREDIT: 1. TX ID: CP111200.This course may count for 4th year math credit in combination with Alg I, Geom., and Alg II. As part of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI), Texas law requires scholars entering college to have readiness in math. Various assessments determine if a scholar needs reinforcement of specific skills. Scholars that do not meet the college readiness standard will be invited to take this course. This course will help scholars to become college ready in mathematics.


GRADE LEVEL: 11-12 CREDIT: 1 TX ID: 03101100 PREREQUISITE(S): Algebra II Course Description: An academically rigorous course requiring daily preparation. This course utilizes the rectangular coordinate systems to study the real number system, circular functions, trigonometric functions and complex numbers. Extends the study of functions to polynomial functions, ratio functions, exponential functions and logarithmic functions and examines vectors, series, and sequences and second degree relations.